Friday, April 9, 2010

Baguettes, brie and Gaga naps

Two weeks have flown by and spring break has come and gone. I've now traveled to Paris, the city of love and public display of affection; Nice, a city so beautiful and homey I could stay there for a month and not want to leave; and Monaco, a country with fast cars and a casino that took my gambling money in a matter of minutes. I've also come to realize how my relationships with people abroad are truly genuine and are the best part of the whole thing.
I will start from the beginning. I was frazzled and stressed from having written five mid-term papers and running around trying to turn them in before the deadline. I was in need of a stiff drink and some sunshine. I left Limerick with my three friends Friday for Paris, and in my rush to pack and hurry out the door, realized I forgot a jacket. This small mistake ended up to be the best thing that happened to me during my week of mid-term hell. We arrive in Paris to chilly and damp weather, not a ray of sunshine to be had and on top of it our hostel was less than ideal. The "Young and Happy" hostel was more like the "Old and Shitty." Luckily for me, that was the only lacking during my Parisian jaunt. The four of us met my friend Jess' triplet, Jenn, and her friend Lucy Friday night. We sat for three hours at a small creperie, drinking strong French wine and eating the best crepes I've ever had in my life, like we'd all known each other forever. That combined with the nicest French guy who served us made it a good start to our trip. The next day we did the Champs Elysse, Arc de Triumph and the Eiffel Tower and met up with three of my good friends from PSU to celebrate at 21st birthday!! I also bought a SWEEEEEET leather jacket to replace my stolen North Face (RIP :[ ) and my forgotten jacket at UL. I look like a total bad ass and I think it's my favorite piece of clothing I've ever bought! Sunday I went, or rather was dragged, to Palm Sunday mass. To my surprise I was not smited (smote?) with a bolt of lightning when I stepped through the doors of Notre Dame Cathedral, which was pretty cool.
We spent Sunday night/Monday morning in the airport for our 6 a.m. flight to Nice. Everything went well and before I knew it we were cruising next to the gorgeous coast on the way to our hostel, which was the coolest place I've stayed at so far. Nice activities included, sitting on the beach, eating baguettes smothered in brie, strolling through the market everyday for antiques, flowers and fresh fruit, and laughing inappropriately in the Museum of Modern Art. It was also a place where I realized the friendships I've formed in Ireland are going to last a long time. We've only known each other ten weeks, but if feels like I've known these people forever. Traveling with someone, being with them for seven days straight under sometimes stressful situations allows me to know them on totally different levels, and when you click with those people it's even better.
The turquoise blue water, warm sun, palm trees, good friends and fine wine was an absolute privilege an much needed vacation from my vacation.

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