Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break Pleaseeeeee

Spring break cannot come soon enough. I need to rest, mentally and physically. My body is rebelling against me and I need a break from training and papers and traveling for a week to just rest. Sit on the beach on my ass with my sunglasses and a beer and just rest in the sun. Between class, rugby and all five of my papers due this week, I'm pleading with God to just let it be break already!
All the work I haven't had to do this semester has finally come full circle, and is biting me in the ass. Hard. I've got five papers, a presentation and blogs due this week, all of which I'm struggling to concentrate on because I haven't had to write a paper in 12 weeks. It's frustrating to struggle at something last semester I was a pro at pulling off. I'm distracted by the thought of the beaches of France and roaming the streets of Spain in the springtime. I guess after being pampered with easy lectures and tutorials for the last eight weeks, Ireland is showing me what the school system is truly made of. It's time to buck up and start writing, suck it up and quite whining about my work, which I probably could have spread out over the last few weeks. Although to my credit, I did have a lot going on.
First of all, it was St. Patrick's Day in Ireland, so of course I had to go to Dublin to watch the parade. It made for a long day — up at 6 a.m. to catch the bus and start the festivities, back at 4 a.m. passed out on the bus from celebrating. Enough said.
Second, UL ladies rugby had our League Final against the monstrous girls of University College Cork. Although they outweighed us by a few hundred pounds and were out to avenger their prior 22-0 loss from us earlier this season, we scrapped it out and come out on top. It was a close match, tied at the end of regulation 12-12. The tie was a motivating slap in the face for our team, a team that'd only allowed one try scored on us all season. We kicked it into high gear and dominated the 20 minute overtime, winning by a score of 24-17. Watching my teammates hold up that plaque made me feel a sense of pride and accomplishment that I haven't felt in a while. The brutal game and tough play was worth it.
But Playing 100 minutes of rugby was hard on my body, and I'm sure the celebration we had the night after didn't make things much better. I came back that weekend with an aching body and dead on my feet. There wasn't much time to lay around because I had to start all my essays Sunday.
Third, focusing and writing is also a challenge when Rag Week is going on right outside your window. Rag Week, in theory, is a charity week, where portions of money spend on alcohol and concert tickets bought on campus go to a charity of the day. I fully support this tradition, where people can get drunk for a moral and just cause and blow off classes for a week with the understanding of many professors. It's hard to have fun at Rag Week though when you're sick and have five papers to write.
I guess it's the universes' way of telling me to take better care of myself and quite being a procrastinator.


  1. Scooter, Scooter, Scooter, Take some vitamins! Love,

  2. Oh, Katie, Laughter is recommended every day and truly linked to a longer life. Thanks for keeping me laughing (and living longer). This one was truly a LOL: I fully support this tradition, where people can get drunk for a moral and just cause and blow off classes for a week with the understanding of many professors. You are priceless!
