Monday, April 19, 2010


Erupting volcanoes may be the best thing that has ever happened to me. Although these volcanoes may be stranding thousands of people from traveling, going home or on vacation, I wouldn't mind if the thing kept gushing ash and lava into the atmosphere if it meant I got to spend more time in Ireland. Yes, it may interfere with my travel plans to Spain next weekend, but in the large scheme of things it probably isn't that big of a deal. If the volcano keeps spewing, flights keep getting cancelled and before you know it I get to spend an extra few weeks in the country that has taken over my heart. Not to sound cheesy, but if the volcano erupted forever I wouldn't be sad.
Other people may disagree. My cousins, for example, came to visit the homeland for a week, taking time off from their very important jobs in D.C. to throw back a few pints and sing some jig dancing songs. Now they are stranded in the Dublin Airport waiting for a flight that will most likely be delayed another day due to the ash that is swirling around the atmosphere, with the potential to take out the engines of a 747 jet liner.
Meteorologists say that rain will help the ash dissipate, but for two weeks now, there has not been a single drop, spray or mist from the sky. It has been sunny and warm and from the looks of today has no signs of stopping. Who would have thought that when we 'needed' rain in Ireland it wouldn't happen. Rain or no rain, this volcano looks like its going to be reeking havoc in Europe for a while.

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