Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Already Booked

I've only been in Ireland for 9 days and I already have six trips booked for the rest of my stay! I've already got plans to visit Galway, the Dingle Peninsula, County Cork, Dublin, London and a unknown destination for spring break (hopefully somewhere warm.) I'm starting to realize my trip is going to fly by, and although the days in class may feel long, my time in Ireland isn't going to be enough to see all that I want to see.
I joined the International Student Society, a club that offers trips around Ireland and Northern Ireland for student-friendly prices, and through my study abroad office at the University, we get two trips included in our tuition, which will help stretch my spending Euro as far as it will go.
My friends and I are boarding a bus Saturday morning for the smaller, more traditional town of Galway. A friend of mine from PSU studied there last year and said it was definitely a must-see while in Ireland. Lucky for me, one of my Irish roommates hales from the town and has been telling me all of the best pubs to visit and places to go. It should make for some good photos as well, give me a chance to see how talented I am with the scenery shots.
It should be good craic! (pronounced "crack" ... the Irish word for fun, not the illegal substance)


  1. we had a craic (translated as "party") in my irish lit class! well, the kind of craic you can have at 10am on a wednesday. my professor said "the university wont allow me to provide the proper beverages for an Irish craic, so ill bring donuts instead." she was ready to bring in pints of guiness.

  2. Galway is wonderful! I went there during my fall break and absolutely loved it. Even though it will probably be windy and a little cold, make sure you see the ocean.

  3. Yay, Galway!!! OMG, have fun! And if you want a traditional Irish pub with traditional Irish music go to the Crane Bar! It's toward the back of the city a bit past the Claddaugh. Just ask and someone will most likely point you in the right direction!
    (I also recommend Homeplate for a traditional Irish breakfast)
