Thursday, February 11, 2010

UL-62, DCU-0

Yesterday was my first rugby match and it was AWESOME! The day involved team bonding, kicking Dublin City University's ass and of course celebrating and drinking on the bus ride home kind of day!
I boarded the bus with the team and chatted with the girls on the way up, trying to get some last minute advice and praying to God I didn't get absolutely obliterated on the field. We stepped off the bus, into the locker room and suited up in our school colors, maroon and navy blue. After a quick warm up I found out I'd be the first girl subbed in, which ended up being sooner than I expected — one of the girls injured her hand 25 minutes into the game. Coach called out, "American Katie, you're in!" So I stripped off my Nittany Lion hoodie and ran out onto the pitch.
There were no major plays on my part, but I did get a few good tackles and hits on the DCU girls, and more importantly I didn't "fuck the ball away" (my new favorite Irish term for turnover.) The best part was finally seeing all the parts of the game come together out on the playing field. Everything I've been learning for the past two weeks finally clicked and I saw all the parts of the team working as one was so cool! Along with battle comes battle scars, and my legs are living proof. I'm covering in bruises, cut on both legs and I'm pretty sure even after a shower there's still enough mud on me to plant a garden.
Since we were celebrating and sore, we decided to stop and get a few drinks for the bus ride home. Drinking on a bus allows two things to happen: people, with the help of alcohol and tight quarters, open up more easily, and you learn of traditional Irish songs because everybody, once again with the help of alcohol, sings at the top of their lungs. I learned that one of my teammates can open beer bottles with her teeth and that Jesus Can't Play Rugby.
It's official, rugby is my kind of sport.


  1. Lol drinking on a bus does allow for people to open up, us skiers know best haha. miss ya katie!!

  2. Sounds like you are having a great time! We miss you too! U Dave and A Mike

  3. American Katie, don't let those Irish girls lead you down the wrong path, there is no cussing in games in America! :)
