Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Just Got Slapped in the Face By My Planner

Yesterday I sat down and looked at my planner, my syllabi and my travel goals and realized I had a hell of a lot of organizing to do. Between mid-terms, internship deadlines, flight bookings and spring break searches, I think the rest of my week before a trip to Amsterdam will be spent huddled around my computer writing, checking times, prices and information about everything.
With my tutorial sessions underway, I've received all of the dates for my mid-terms, presentations and papers that are due before final exams. This stresses me out, because up to this point there has been absolutely no school work to do. It's all lumped up in the next three weeks. With the majority of my grades based on these assignments, I have to be sure and put in all my effort to do well and impress the professors. A lot of them should be pretty straight forward and a little shorter papers than I'm used to which is a good thing, but the amount of weight they carry are just important, so I need to dig in my heels and focus.
Another thing I'm starting to worry about is internships. Out of the five I've applied for so far I've only had one offer and haven't heard back from a few. So I'm searching frantically through Penn State to see if I can find more options. There are a few more deadlines for internships in Pittsburgh and Philly that I need to make sure I finish and send in by the deadline. I'd like to have more options to choose from, and that means applying for more positions. This could be a problem simply because of how much I'm going to have to pay in postage!
The final thing on my mind is what to do about spring break. My friends and I would love to go to Greece, bask in the sunshine and hopefully gaze upon gorgeous men with sexy accents. Unfortunately, this is going to involve a lot of planning on our part, and it's going to be tough to get six different girls to agree on anything. The good thing is, I already have money set aside for this excursion, so I feel like it will be my chance to splurge and not worry about how this will effect my monetary situation for the rest of my stay in Ireland.
Thanks for listening to my gripes about life...I guess I'm lucky to be stressed over school and traveling Europe rather than my health or a family matter. This little complaining fest has put things into perspective for me. I love when I write things down and they make more sense. Now, off to my To Do List!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear schoolwork is surfacing finally!! Plus add in a visit from the rents and bro and boyfriend and you got a lot on your plate! If anyone can do it it is you Scooter! :0) love, Mom
