Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Should I Stay or Should I Go

Today I talked to Emily, one of my best friends from home for the first time in a long time, and as much I've been dreading leaving Ireland, all my new friends (especially Michelle Claffey and the UL LR ladies (: ), and my bum-like lifestyle, our catch up session made me realize how much I have to look forward too when I return to the States. Between job prospects, visiting with old friends, playing rugby, sitting down for home-cooked family dinners, and getting back to the Pennsylvania region, I've got a lot to be excited about.
Although I plan on returning to my mediocre jobs as a professional ice maker and dish bitch, I'm making other plans for bigger and better things for the upcoming semesters. With loads of jobs in the writing field being advertised and encouraged through Penn State's College of Communications, I think I will have many opportunities to pick up writing gigs next semester. I'm also excited and a little nervous about my new position at the Daily Collegian this summer. As the new Copy Desk Chief, I'm in charge of the headlines and cutlines that make the paper, and looking over the final edit before the paper is printed. It's a lot more responsibility than my former reporting jobs, but I'm thrilled with the challenge. It should make for great experience, not to mention it will look amazing on my real job resume. Also I'm excited to hang out with my friends for the summer!
When I return I know I'm going to miss Ireland like crazy, but the one thing that is going to make my transition to the States a little easier is rugby. I hope to play at PSU, and although I haven't heard back from the coach yet, I want to take part in summer training session and hopefully a touch team. Not only will it remind me of Ireland, it will hopefully whip my fat ass back into shape. The guinness and hot chicken rolls have not been kind to me this semester!
But most importantly, I'm excited to see my family, boyfriend and friends again. My experiences abroad have been amazing and it was one the best things I've ever done, but I can't wait to get home and share it with everyone! I'm already planning a date with my boy, a meal with my parents, a bar crawl with my buddies and a girls night when I get back to the 814 I call home.
I'm sad that my time in Ireland is coming to an end, but really it's the beginning — the beginning of a new chapter, a new start and a new attitude to take back to my old life.


  1. The possibilities are endless for you Katie! L:):):)

  2. Katie this is so touching! lol all of us in the 814 (both Erie and State College I'm sure) can't wait to hear all about it!

